Web Exercises

Web Exercise #1: Child Protection Service Jobs
LO 8.6: Explain the effects of child maltreatment and factors that place children at risk for experiencing maltreatment.
Directions: This assignment can be done independently.  Chapter 8 introduces students to the effects of child maltreatment.  The effects can be long lasting; therefore, it is important that children experiencing abuse are protected.  Some students may be taking this course because they have an interest in working at a child protection agency.  In this exercise, students will explore: a) What degree do you need to work for a child protection agency?  b) What are some of the job descriptions for people who work for child protection agencies? c) How much money does someone who works for a child protection agency make? d) Are there available jobs in the field of child protection services?
Some websites to help provide answers to the above questions are here:
Web Exercise #2: Gender Neutral Parenting
LO 8.7: Summarize findings regarding gender differences during early childhood.
LO 8.8: Compare and contrast biological, cognitive, and contextual theoretical explanations of gender role development.
Directions: This assignment can be done independently.  Chapter 8 discusses gender role development and the biological, cognitive, and contextual theoretical explanations of gender role development.  Throughout the world, the ideas of gender roles are changing.  Some people argue for gender neutral parenting: http://health.usnews.com/health-news/health-wellness/articles/2015/09/04/gender-neutral-parenting-letting-kids-choose
or for gender neutral pronouns: https://genderneutralpronoun.wordpress.com/. Some people even suggest children should be educated in gender neutral schools: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-14038419  and  https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/pushing-prams-with-boys-at-stockholms-first-gender-neutral-pre-school. Others even argue bathrooms should be gender neutral, and one school in San Francisco already introduced this concept: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/miraloma-elementary-school-gender-neutral-bathrooms_55eef9bde4b03784e2767cb0
What do you think about gender neutral parenting?
What do you think about the use of gender neutral pronouns?
Would you send your child to a gender neutral school? Why or why not?
Web Exercise #3: Play Is More Than Just Fun
LO 8.9: Discuss the function of play and the form it takes in early childhood.
Directions: This assignment can be done independently or in small groups.  Chapter 8 introduces students to the function of play and the form it takes in early childhood.  Children like to engage in rough-and-tumble play, and they begin to engage in sociodramatic play, involving themes of social relationships. In this exercise, students will watch the TED talk given by play researcher, Stuart Brown.  https://www.ted.com/talks/stuart_brown_says_play_is_more_than_fun_it_s_vital?language=en
According to Stuart Brown, what are some of the different kinds of play?
What is the purpose of play?
Think about your experiences as a child.  What are some of the games you played? Who did you play them with?  Can you examine your experiences and see how any of them taught you about life?  Give an example.