Web Exercises
Web Exercise #1: The Big 5
LO 16.4: Evaluate the stability of the Big 5 personality traits.
Directions: This assignment must be completed independently. Chapter 16 discusses the big 5 personality traits. The purpose of this activity is to think about your own personality by taking an online version of the test. Before you take this test, write down what you think is your personality type. Then take the test and discuss whether or not your personality test results are similar or different to what you thought. If the results are different, why do you think they were? What did you learn from this exercise?
Take the test here: http://www.outofservice.com/bigfive/
Web Exercise #2: Job Satisfaction
LO 16.8: Characterize job satisfaction during the midlife years.
Directions: This activity may be done individually or in small groups. Chapter 16 discusses job satisfaction in middle adulthood and the contextual factors that may influence it. The purpose of this assignment is to explore job satisfaction in middle adulthood. First, students should view the following website:
Find the job you hope to one day have (if it is there).
Is your job on the list?
How stressful is the job?
What do you think the stressors of this job are? Why?
What contextual factors do you think would lead to a person having less stress?
What contextual factors do you think would lead to a person having more stress?
What contextual factors do you think would lead to a person being more satisfied with this job?
What contextual factors do you think would lead to a person being less satisfied with this job?
Web Exercise #3: Inequality in Retirement
LO 16.9: Examine retirement planning and its effects in adjustment to retirement.
Directions: This activity may be done individually or in small groups. Chapter 16 discusses retirement planning and its effects in adjustment and retirement. By now a student should know that some contextual factors will determine how well someone adjusts to retirement. Women and minorities will not have as much saved as the average white male. The purpose of this assignment is to examine inequality in retirement and to encourage students to think about planning for their own retirement. View the following websites and then answer the questions.
Why do women and minorities have less money for retirement?
Discuss 3 things you did not know before reading these websites.
What stood out to you the most? Why?
Did this assignment make you think about your own retirement? Why or why not?
How did reading the information on these websites benefit you?