Learning Objectives
13.1. Describe the physical developments of early adulthood, such as changes in skin, muscles, motor skills, and reproductive capacity.
13.2. Analyze the range of perspectives on the causes of aging as applied to early adulthood.
13.3. Examine the contributions of obesity, physical activity, and stress for young adults’ health.
13.4. Discuss the prevalence, effects, and treatment of alcohol and substance use in early adulthood.
13.5. Discuss the development of postformal reasoning.
13.6. Compare cognitive-affective complexity with postformal reasoning.
13.7. Explain how attending college influences young adults’ development.
13.8. Contrast the experiences of traditional and nontraditional college students.
13.9. Identify challenges faced by non-college bound young adults.
13.10. Identify influences on vocational choice and occupational expectations in early adulthood.