SAGE Journal Articles
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LO 6.5. Discuss the stability of temperament and the role of goodness of fit in infant development.
Seifer, R., Dickstein, S., Parade, S., Hayden, L. C., Magee, K. D., & Schiller, M. (2014). Mothers’ appraisal of goodness of fit and children’s social development. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 38(1), 86-97.
Summary/abstract excerpt: The article discusses the concept of goodness of fit and relates it within a longitudinal study of child temperament, family context, and attachment relationship formation.
Questions to Consider:
- Discuss the parent-child interactions that guide the quality of child development.
- What is goodness of fit? How does goodness of fit impact the quality of attachment?
- What is the connection between temperament and attachment?
LO 6.8. Differentiate self-concept, self-recognition, and self-control, and discuss their respective roles in infant development.
Broesch, T., Callaghan, T., Henrich, J., Murphy, C., & Rochat, P. (2011). Cultural variations in children’s mirror self-recognition. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 42(6), 1018-1029.
Summary/abstract excerpt: The article discusses the mirror self-recognition task and examines the cultural variations in self-recognition.
Questions to Consider:
- Describe the mirror self-recognition test. How does this test measure self-recognition?
- What cross-cultural variations are found with respect to the mirror self-recognition test?
- Why are cross-cultural variations found using the mirror self-recognition test?