Multimedia Resources
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LO 3.1. Describe the process of conception, identifying the roles of female and male.
Web Resource: Social Construction of Sex
Description: In this Pacific Standard article Alice Dreger, an American bioethicist and professor of clinical medical humanities and bioethics at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, discusses where gender identities come from and makes the argument that “the borders human draw on sex categories are ... invented.”
LO 3.2. Describe the three periods of prenatal development.
Video Resource: Fetal Development: Ultrasound
Description: The video shows a seldom-seen progression of fetal development using ultrasound sonography. You will see the growth in weeks of a real fetus, ending in the birth of the baby.
LO 3.4. Identify drugs, illness, and environmental factors that act as teratogens.
Web Resource: Principles of Teratology
Description: This brief article from Interdisciplinary Toxicology provides an overview of the history and principles of teratology.
LO 3.6. Discuss the contributions of maternal characteristics and behaviors on prenatal development.
Audio Resource: Epigenetics
Description: The audio story connects Chapter 2’s introduction to the science of epigenetics with Chapter 3’s coverage of prenatal development. Specifically, the discussion introduces research that looks at how mothers’ environmental exposures and nutrition during pregnancy may cause epigenetic changes in babies.
LO 3.8. Identify and explain the neonate’s physical capacities.
Video Resource: Newborn Assessment Just After Birth
Description: The video illustrates a newborn assessment and exam immediately after birth, including explanation of the nurse’s actions and a close look at newborn characteristics.
LO 3.9. Discuss the challenges low birth weight and small-for-date infants face as well as influences on infant adjustment.
Audio Resource: Survival of Premature Babies
Description: The audio story from All Things Considered discusses a new study showing that extremely premature babies born as early as 22 weeks can survive with aggressive treatment.