Multimedia Resources
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LO 14.3. Compare and contrast influences on friendship and mate selection.
Web Resource: Mate Selection and Genetics
Description: The article discusses a new study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that finds people are more likely to pair up with mates who are genetically similar to them.
LO 14.4. Identify characteristics of intimate violence, influences on violence, and ways of addressing it.
Video Resource: Why Domestic Violence Victims Don’t Leave
Description: In this TED Talk, writer and domestic-violence survivor Leslie Morgan Steiner tells her story and offers advice for helping victims break their silence.
LO 14.6. Discuss the transition to marriage and predictors of marital success and divorce.
Video Resource: The Brain in Love
Description: In this TED Talk, American anthropologist and human behavior researcher Helen Fisher discusses her research team’s work analyzing the MRIs of people in love and people who have been dumped, and their interesting findings.
LO 14.7. Examine the effects of parenthood on young adults. Audio Resource: Millennials and Parenthood
Description: The NPR story discusses the trend of young adults having children before marriage.
LO 14.8. Compare and contrast the experience of stepparents, never-married parents, and same-sex parents.
Audio Resource: Stepfamilies
Description: The NPR Talk of the Nation story discusses how the term “step” carries some heavy baggage, and the families that stepfamilies face.
LO 14.9. Discuss the experience of women and minorities in the workplace.
Video Resource: Women in the Workplace
Description: The TED Talk by Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions.