Chapter Outline

Carefully crafted outlines follow the structure of each chapter, providing an essential reference and teaching tool.

See pages: 68-106

Operations Profile: Apple’s New Headquarters

            Projects, Project Teams, and Measuring Success

                        Project Teams

                        What Makes a Project Successful?

            Project Life Cycles

Operations Profile: The Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle

            Conceptualizing and Planning Projects



                        Employing Risk Management Techniques

Consider This 3.1: Statements of Work: Then-and-Now

            Scheduling Projects

                        Estimating the Duration of a Project’s Activities

                        Creating Precedence Diagrams and Gantt Charts

                        Determining a Project’s Schedule: Creating Network Diagrams

                        Crashing the Project

            Supply Chains for Projects

                        Supply Chain Activities for Projects

                        Designing a Project’s Supply Chain

            Executing, Evaluating, and Terminating Projects

                        Evaluating a Project’s Status: S-Curves and Earned Value Management

                        Terminating the Project

            Sustainability Issues

Operations Management: Lessons Learned: Unpopularity of Fossil Fuels Is Leading to Project Cancellations

            Global Projects

                        Chapter Summary

                        Key Terms

                        Discussion and Review Questions

                        Solved Problems


                        Case Study 3.1: Project Management in the Movie Business

                        Video Case

                        Critical Thinking Exercises