Operations Management: Managing Global Supply Chains
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Link
Inventory Simulation
This screencast videos shows how to use Excel to show an inventory simulation.
LO D.2 Describe Monte Carlo simulation, and set up and solve operations problems using Monte Carlo simulation, by hand and using Excel.
Web Links
Modelling and Simulation
This page describes the difference between modelling and simulation.
LO D.1 Explain the concept of simulation, its advantages, and the key steps in developing a simulation model
Using Simulation
This article explains simulation and why it may be a useful method to use.
LO D.1 Explain the concept of simulation, its advantages, and the key steps in developing a simulation model
Waiting Line Simulation
These introductory notes by J. E. Beasley explain queueing and Monte Carlo simulation.
LO D.2 Describe Monte Carlo simulation, and set up and solve operations problems using Monte Carlo simulation, by hand and using Excel.