Operations Management: Managing Global Supply Chains
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Links
Levels of Strategic Planning
This video provides an overview of the levels of corporate strategy and an example of how it works.
LO 2.1: Compare the different levels of strategic planning by identifying the performance measures in each.
Strategic Profit Model
This video presents an overview of using the Strategic Profit Model as a tool to assess operations strategy.
LO 2.2: Describe how to formulate and evaluate operations strategy.
Balanced Scorecard
Bob Kaplan discusses the balanced scorecard.
LO 2.2: Describe how to formulate and evaluate operations strategy.
More on the Balanced Scorecard
This animated video shows how the balanced scorecard helps businesses.
LO 2.2: Describe how to formulate and evaluate operations strategy.
Strategies for Service Organizations
In this TED talk, Esther Ndichu discusses how formulating a strategy focusing on logistics can help organizations serving to fight hunger around the world.
LO 2.3: Contrast the formulation and evaluation of operating strategies for service organizations with those for manufacturing organizations.
Supply Chain Strategies
This video shows how Cisco handles manufacturing efficiently.
LO 2.5: Describe how both manufacturers and service organizations formulate and evaluate their supply chain strategies.
Risks in a Global Supply Chain
This video describes the disruption to Toyota's supply chain after the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant disaster.
LO 2.6: Identify the key capabilities firms need to formulate and implement global operations and supply chain strategies and manage their risks related to them.
Sustainability in the Supply Chain
This video from McDonalds describes its sustainability story.
LO2.7: Describe what companies are doing to incorporate sustainability into their supply chain strategy and the problems they face in doing so.
Web Links
Improving Productivity in Services
This article details how operations management can lead to higher productivity in the service sector.
LO 2.3: Compare the different types of productivity measurements, and explain how firms use them strategically.
Here is the link you will need to complete Problem #2.