Operations Management: Managing Global Supply Chains
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Links
What Is Detailed Scheduling?
Dr. Chris Hill of the University of Utah shares his experience scheduling football games.
LO 19.1 Define detailed scheduling
Gantt Charts
This video gives a quick overview on how to draw a Gantt chart.
LO 19-2 Demonstrate the main types of scheduling and show when each type should be employed
Theory of Constraints
This video gives an overview of the theory of constraints, showing how to break bottlenecks.
LO 19.3 Explain why scheduling is complex
Scheduling in the Service Sector
This video shares the story of the OSU Medical Center, which improved its appointment scheduling to make it more efficient.
LO 19.4 Describe the scheduling methods used in service organizations
Web Links
Supply Chain Scheduling
This academic journal article examines sequence coordination in supply chain scheduling.
LO 19.5 Describe supply chain scheduling
Issues in Scheduling
This article argues that the hours doctors work come at too high a human cost.
LO 19.6 Explain how companies can make scheduling decisions to promote sustainability