SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 9.1: Dirks-Linhorst, P.A. & Kondrat, D. (2012). Tough on Crime or Beating the System: An Evaluation of Missouri Department of Mental Health’s Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity Murder Acquittees. Homicide Studies, 16(2), 129-150. doi: 10.1177/1088767912438711
1. What is the difference between Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI) and Guilty but Mentally Ill (GBMI)? In Missouri, what happens to defendants found to be NGRI? Do you believe this is fair and just? Why or why not? Are there other alternatives?
2. What are the main questions asked by Dirks-Linhorst & Kondrat (2012)? What are they trying to measure? How are they measuring it?
3. What are their findings? What are the differences between the groups the researchers were comparing? What are the implications of this study?
Journal Article 9.2: Redding, R.E. (2003). The Effects of Adjudicating and Sentencing Juveniles as Adults: Research and Policy Implications. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 1(2), 128-155. doi: 10.1177/1541204002250875
1. According to Redding (2003), how has states dealt with juvenile crime? What sort of tactics have legislatures employed to make it easier to try juveniles as adults? How has this affected the criminal justice system?
2. What are the effects of transfer laws? Discuss the pros and cons of transfer laws and discuss whether or not they are more advantageous to the goals of criminal justice system.
3. How do transfer laws affect juveniles and the communities they live in? Do you believe there should be a strict line between the juvenile justice system and the adult system? Why or why not?