SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 8.1: Bamgbose, O. (2004). Euthanasia: Another Face of Murder. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 48(1), 111-121. doi: 10.1177/0306624X03256662
1. Summarize the article. What are the main arguments made by Bamgbose (2004)? Do you agree? Why or why not? How has the concept of euthanasia been shaped through debates and legislative actions?
2. What is your stance on euthanasia? How is euthanasia being treated all over the world? Is there ever a situation where euthanasia might be acceptable or is it simply a black and white concept?
3. Discuss the issue of consent from the perspective of an individual who assisted another to commit suicide. Discuss consent from the perspective of an individual who is seeking assistance to die.
Journal Article 8.2: Downs, W.R., Rindels, B., & Atkinson, C. (2007). Women’s Use of Physical and Nonphysical Self-Defense Strategies During Incidents of Partner Violence. Violence Against Women, 13(1), 28-45. doi: 10.1177/1077801206294807
1. How is self-defense operationalized in the article? How did the researchers examine the role of self-defense in partner violence? How is self-defense complicated by the issue of partner violence?
2. What are the findings of the study? What is the difference between physical and nonphysical self-defense? Discuss some of the examples given in the study. How are women employing these self-defense tactics to protect themselves?
3. What are the central elements of self-defense? From a legal perspective, are the women’s tactics considered self-defense? Why or why not?