Learning Objectives
1. Describe the development of the common law of homicide and the historical distinction between murder and manslaughter.
2. State the differing views on when life begins for purposes of homicide and the legal tests for determining death.
3. Describe the actus reus of homicide.
4. Indicate the elements of first-degree premeditated murder.
5. Describe the characteristics of capital and aggravated first-degree murder.
6. Compare the difference between first- and second-degree murder.
7. List the elements of depraved heart murder.
8. State the law of felony murder and compare and contrast the agency theory of felony murder with the proximate cause theory of criminal responsibility for felony murder.
9. Know the legal rule for holding a corporation criminally liable.
10. Name the elements of voluntary manslaughter and state the elements of involuntary manslaughter.
11. Explain misdemeanor manslaughter.