Web Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

1. This site has an extensive collection of legal information including: state laws, federal laws, statutes, and also case law annotations http://public.findlaw.com

2. The Cornell site is http://www.law.cornell.edu and you also may want to explore www.lawsource.com.  

3. You can find a wide variety of resources an interesting law-related activities at http://www.streetlaw.org/ 

4. Learn more about the Rodney King case at http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/lapd/lapd.html

5. You can read about the Innocence Project at  http://www.innocenceproject.org/

6. Read a report about medical marijuana. http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/