SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Link 10.1: Tobolowsky, P.M. (2004), Capital Punishment and the Mentally Retarded Offender. The Prison Journal, 84(3), 340-360. doi: 10.1177/0032885504268182
1. Summarize the cases that shows the evolution of capital punishment cases of mentally retarded offenders. What cases shaped how the mentally retarded offenders are being treated in capital cases today?
2. What is your stance on sentencing a mentally retarded offender to death? Do you believe that the nature of a crime committed by a mentally challenged defendant should determine whether he or she is put to death? Why or why not?
3. According to Tobolowsky (2004), what is the significance of Atkins and Penry cases?
Journal Link 10.2: Almond, P. (2009). Understanding the seriousness of corporate crime: Some lessons for the new ‘corporate manslaughter’ offence. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 9(2), 145-164. doi: 10.1177/1748895809102550
1. What is corporate manslaughter? How does Almond (2009) define it?
2. What did Almond (2009) find in his surveys? Are the results significant to the concept of corporate manslaughter? How so?
3. What is the future of corporate manslaughter? Do you believe states or the federal government should adopt corporate manslaughter laws? Why or why not?