Learning Objectives
1. Explain the definition of rape under the common law and the barriers to proving rape under the common law.
2. List some of the changes in the law of rape resulting from rape reform in the 1970s and 1980s.
3. Compare and contrast the extrinsic and intrinsic tests for the actus reus of rape.
4. Compare the difference between fraud in the factum and fraud in inducement.
5. State the mens rea of rape.
6. Define the law of statutory rape.
7. State the law on the withdrawal of consent.
8. Illustrate the requirements of rape shield laws.
9. Describe the difference between a simple and an aggravated battery and between attempted battery assault and the placing of another in fear of a battery assault.
10. Know the elements of the crime of stalking.
11. State the intent and act requirement for kidnapping.
12. Distinguish between kidnapping and false imprisonment.