SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Link 16.1: Kenny, M. (2006). When Speech Became Treason. Index on Censorship 35(1), 173-176. doi: 10.1080/03064220500532560
1. What is the story of “Lord Haw-Haw?” With what crime is he charged? Why was he charged with this crime? How did the public react to his charges?
2. After reading this brief article, discuss the challenges of distinguishing between freedom of speech and treasonous or seditious speech. How important is freedom of speech to American society?
3. How would you balance the need to protect freedom of speech and the need to protect
Journal Link 16.2: Tripathy, J. (2010). What is a terrorist? International Journal of Cultural Studies 13(3) 219-234. doi: 10.1177/1367877909359731
1. What is terrorism? What is the difference between domestic terrorism and transnational terrorism? What are some examples of domestic terrorism? What are some examples of transnational terrorism? How has the definition of terrorism change throughout history?
2. What is the significance of the story that Tripathy (2010) told in the beginning of the article?
3. Why is it important to distinguish between the “who”ness and the “what”ness of a person? According to Tripathy (2010), what are the characteristics of a terrorist? Why is this difficult to define? How is the terrorist socially or legally constructed?