SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Link 13.1: Burek, M.W. (2005). Now Serving Part Two Crimes: Testing the Relationship Between Welfare Spending and Property Crimes. Criminal Justice Policy Review 16(3), 360-384. doi: 10.1177/0887403405274782
1. What is welfare? How is welfare linked to other crimes? How has welfare crime influenced policy-making in the United States?
2. What does the literature and past research say welfare and crime? How does Burek (2005) attempt to find a better understanding of this relationship?
3. What are the variables involved in the study and why are they important in exploring a relationship between welfare and crime? What are the findings of Burek (2005) study? How might this affect policy making and the criminal justice system?
Journal Link 13.2: Braga, A.A., Hureau, D.M., & Papachristos, A.V. (2011). The Relevance of Micro Places to Citywide Robbery Trends: A Longitudinal Analysis of Robbery Incidents at Street Corners and Block Faces in Boston. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 48(1), 7-32. doi: 10.1177/0022427810384137
1. According to the article, what are hotspots and why are they important to crime prevention? How are they utilized to decrease or deter crimes?
2. What does the literature and past research say about crimes in micro places? Why is it important to study micro places? What does the literature and past research say about citywide crime rates?
3. How did the article explore the relevance of space and location? What did the study find? How might this affect policy making and the criminal justice system?