Video and Podcast
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Video Resources
- Crim Law #7: Crimes Against the Person - Non Homicide (2010) Barcoachguru. Crimes Against the Person - Non Homicide 6 types of crimes against the person, Assault Battery, Mayhem, Kidnapping, False Imprisonment. (9:48 video clip).
- Crimes against the person. (2012) hartnelllstorm’s channel. Describes crimes against the person, including rape, sodomy, assault, battery, domestic violence, stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment. Discusses consent, and privilege, victim resistance. (3:42 video clip).
- Man Charged with False Imprisonment, Negligence of Disabled Adults,
(2:28 video clip)
- State Dept. Official Faces New Charges of Voyeurism and Stalking, The Associated Press
- Media Interview with Crimes Against Persons Assistant Chief Chris Butler (2011) JAXSHERIFF. Asst. Chief Butler speaks on Armed Robber Suspect by JSO police on November 13, 2011. (4:24 video clip).
Podcast Resources
- Author Matthew Lippman presents a podcast on Chapter 11: Criminal Sexual Conduct, Assault and Battery, Kidnapping, and False Imprisonment.