SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Link 12.1: Martin, D. (2002). Spatial Patterns in Residential Burglary: Assessing the Effect of Neighborhood Social Capital. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 18(2), 132-146. doi: 10.1177/1043986202018002002
1. What is social disorganization theory? According to Martin (2002), how is it relevant to residential burglary?
2. What are the characteristics of the locations studied by Martin (2002)? How are these characteristics relevant to social disorganization theory?
3. What are the findings in the study? How might these findings influence the criminal justice system? How might it influence public policy?
Journal Link 12.2: Kocsis, R.N. & Cooksey, R.W. (2002). Criminal Psychological Profiling of Serial Arson Crimes. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 46(6), 631-656. doi: 10.1177/0306624X02238159
1. In general, how is the crime of arson studied in social science? How do Kocsis & Cooksey (2002) critique this?
2. According to Kocsis & Cooksey (2002), what are the six categories of arson established in the literature? Describe and discuss each of them.
3. What are the findings of the study conducted by Kocsis & Cooksey (2002)? What is the significance of their proposed model to the criminal justice system? How can the model be utilized to deal with arson crimes?