Video and Podcast
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Resources
- Robinson v. California (1962) SCOTUS Argument Audio (Downloadable): Status Offense of being addicted to narcotics,
- Mastering Criminal Law: The Actus Reus Example (2008) Law Study Systems: Stephen Sowle. Illustrates how to learn actus reus better and faster (3:29 video clip).
- Introducing the Good Samaritan Law, Fox43
New law aims to protect people from prosecution if they call for help for an overdose victim.
(4:00 video clip)
- Actus reus and mens rea (2012) redhotchilipepper150. (2:39 video clip). Provides definitions.
Podcast Resources
- Author Matthew Lippman presents a podcast on Chapter 4: Actus Reus.