SAGE Journal Articles
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Journal Link 15.1: Monto, M.A. (2004). Female Prostitution, Customers, and Violence. Violence Against Women,10(2), 160-188. doi: 10.1177/1077801203260948
1. What types of risks to female prostitutes face in their line of work? How do various definitions of prostitution differ from one another?
2. What are the characteristics of customers? Are they representative of the whole population? What are some of the reasons that these customers seek out prostitutes?
3. What are some of the arguments for prostitution? Against prostitution? What are your opinions on this issue?
Journal Link 15.2: Messer, C.M. & Bell, P.A. (2010). Mass Media and Governmental Framing of Riots: The Cast of Tulsa, 1921. Journal of Black Studies, 40(5), 851-870. doi: 10.1177/0021934708318607
1. Discuss recent riots that have been covered in the media. How are these riots portrayed? What do you think is the difference between a riot and a rebellion?
2. According to the article, how has race relations of the time period incited conflict and riots? How has the Tulsa riot portrayed on different levels? How did the victims frame the riots?
3. What are the different types of frames discussed in the article? How has framing influenced responses to riots?