SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Link 14.1: Ragatz, L.L., Fremouw, W., & Baker, E. (2012). The Psychological Profile of White-collar Offenders: Demographics, Criminal Thinking, Psychopathic Traits, and Psychopathology. Criminal Justice Behavior, 39(7), 978-997. doi: 10.1177/0093854812437846
1. What is white collar crime? What does the literature and past research say about white collar crimes? How are white collar criminals differ from non-white-collar criminals?
2. What are the researchers attempting to explore in their study? With what types of crimes are their participants convicted? What are their characteristics?
3. What were the findings in the study? How might it influence the criminal justice system?
Journal Link 14.2: Van Slyke, S. & Bales, W.D. (2012). A contemporary study of the decision to incarcerate white-collar and street property offenders. Punishment & Society, 14(2), 217-246. doi: 10.1177/1462474511434437
1. Do you believe white collar criminals are treated too leniently? Why or why not? Discuss cases that you know about and/or those provided in the article.
2. According to the article, what are the differences in sentencing for white collar criminals and street property offenders? What is the status shield and how is it relevant to sentencing?
3. What were the findings in Van Slyke & Bales (2012)? How might it influence policy making and the criminal justice system?