SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 7.1: Urbina, M.G., & Kreitzer, S. (2004). The Practical Utility and Ramifications of RICO: Thirty-Two Years after its Implementation. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 15(3), 294-323. doi: 10.1177/0887403403252669
1. What is RICO and what was the reason for its development? What types of activities are covered under RICO? Why is it considered a controversial law?
2. According to Urbina & Kreitzer (2004), what are the debates surrounding RICO? Discuss the pros and cons of such a law.
2. What is the purpose of Urbina and Kreitzer’s study? What are they trying to examine? What are their findings? Do you believe this study will be beneficial to the future of RICO? Why or why not? How do you think it will impact RICO?
Journal Article 7.2: Cohen, A.W. (2003). The Racketeer’s Progress: Commerce, Crime, and the Law in Chicago, 1900-1940. Journal of Urban History, 29(5), 575-593. doi: 10.1177/0096144203029005004
1. According to Cohen (2003), what are the origins of racketeering? How did it evolve through the years? Who are the main perpetrators? Who are the main victims?
2. How did racketeering impact the city of Chicago? How did it shape the city’s criminal justice system?
3. Is racketeering still relevant today? How is racketeering portrayed in the media? Is this a true representation?