SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 2.1: Boots, D.P., Bihari, J., & Elliott, E. (2009). The State of the Castle: An Overview of Recent Trends in State Castle Doctrine Legislation and Public Policy. Criminal Justice Review 34(4), 515-535. doi: 10.1177/0734016809332095
Questions that apply to this article:
1. Issues surrounding the Second Amendment right to bear arms are constantly debated. Discuss some of these issues and debate whether guns should be allowed in the home.
2. The castle doctrine protects the right to defend an individual’s home from aggressors. How did this doctrine come about? What are its origins?
3. What are the findings of the content analysis made by the researchers? What do you believe the future of the doctrine is? Discuss the implications covered in the article.
Journal Article 2.2: Brasch, W.M. (2005). Fool’s Gold in the Nation’s Data-Mining Programs. Social Science Computer Review 23(4), 401-428. doi: 10.1177/0894439305278869
Questions that apply to this article:
1. One of the legislative effects of the War on Terror is the Patriot Act. Discuss your beliefs regarding the necessary or unnecessary application of this law. Did Brasch’s (2005) reveal information about the Patriot Act that you did not know?
2. How did the Patriot Act invade individual and organizational privacy? What are the conclusions made by Brasch (2005)? How has the Patriot Act allowed agencies to collect information? How has this affected privacy concerns?
3. Did Brasch (2005) offer alternatives to protecting privacy? How would you suggest solutions to balancing concerns of national security with individual privacy?