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Journal Article 4.1: Warner, B.D. & Coomer, B.W. (2003).  Neighborhood Drug Arrest Rates:  Are They a Meaningful Indicator of Drug Activity?  A Research Note.  Journal of Research on Crime and Delinquency, 40(2), 123-138.  doi:  10.1177/00224278022251018

1.  According to Warner & Coomer (2003), what are the main problems of drug arrest data?  How does it impact the way we think about the drug problem.  How do you think this influences legislative policies regarding drugs?

2.  What is the research design?  How do the researchers try to measure drug activity and drug arrest rates?  What are their findings? 

3.  How are the findings related to the concept of possession as discussed in the text?  How might neighborhood characteristics influence drug arrest rates?  How might neighborhood characteristics influence types of possession charges? 


Journal Article 4.2: Wagstaff, G.F. (2008).  Hypnosis and the Law:  Examining the Stereotypes.  Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(10), 1277-1294.  doi:  10.1177/0093854808321669

1.  Historically, how is hypnosis described?  How does Wagsaff (2008) critique this description?  How does hypnosis work today? 

2.  What is dissociated control theory?  How does it relate to automatism and hypnosis?  Do you believe this theory to be a valid theory?  Why or why not?

3.  Do you believe that a person under hypnosis can commit a crime?  Why or why not?  Should acts committed while in a hypnotic state be covered under the Model Penal Code?