Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Audio Link
Audio 12.1: Eating Disorders in Teenage Boys
Description: This podcast highlights two teenage boys with eating disorders. Because eating disorders are much less common among boys than among girls, appropriate treatment may be difficult to find.
Video Links
Video 12.1: “I Am Who I Am”: Adolescent Responses
Description: An 11th-grade teacher asked students to answer the question: Who am I? Watch the video to see excerpts from their responses.
Video 12.2: Family Conflict and Puberty
Description: Laurence Steinberg, Professor of Psychology at Temple University, discusses the link between family conflict and early puberty in girls.
Video 12.3: Abstinence-Only Education
Description: Prof. Laurence Steinberg of Temple University explains why abstinence-only education doesn’t work.
Web Resources
Web 12.1: Adolescent Crowds
Description: The Psychology Today article discusses peer crowds and how they affect modern teens.
Web 12.2: Teens and Peer Pressure
Description: The WebMD article discusses where peer pressure comes from and what parents can do to help teens handle peer pressure.