Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
Multimedia Resources
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Audio Links
Audio 1.1: Learning in a Social Matrix
Description: A brief podcast highlights the influence of the Communist regime in the former Soviet Union on Vygotsky’s theory, as well as the impact of his theory on the current emphasis on inclusion and diversity in contemporary education.
Audio 1.2: Childhood Exposure to Lead
Description: A decades-long study in New Zealand suggests that childhood exposure to lead may be related to lower cognitive ability and lower socioeconomic status as an adult.
Video Links
Video 1.1: Nature and Nurture
Description: The video introduces the issue of genetic and environmental contributions to thought and behavior in the context of intelligence and sexual orientation. The discussion opens with the high-interest topic of feral children.
Video 1.2: Correlation and Causation
Description: Does living together cause divorce? This video takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to demonstrate that correlation does not always mean causation.
Web Resources
Web 1.1: Resilience: It Takes a Village
Description: The video explains social stratification in the United States from a sociological perspective as it applies to social class, status, and power.
Web 1.2: Poverty and Brain Development
Description: This article probes the influence of contexts such as poverty and community development on the development of children’s brains.
Web 1.3: Second Couplehood in Late Adulthood
Description: This article explores “sunset relationships”--second couplehood in late adulthood--as a way of illustrating the theme of continuity versus discontinuity in development. The results suggest that discontinuity may be the rule in development, and continuity the exception.