Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
SAGE Journal Articles
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Abstract: The current study examined the association between multiple systems of influence (adolescent, family, and community) and the educational aspirations of African American adolescents. Guided by ecological and integrative models of child development, in the current study the authors examined the association between the educational aspirations of 130 socioeconomically and educationally disadvantaged urban African American adolescents (mean age = 16.76 years) and factors within the adolescent (attitudes toward education and school self-esteem), family (perceived parental/guardian educational involvement and educational expectations), and community (number of community resources present and the average utilization of community resources). A hierarchical multiple regression indicated that both the adolescent and the family systems were related significantly to educational aspirations and explained a significant proportion of the variance. A test for moderation by gender indicated that African American males’ average utilization of community resources was related significantly and positively to their educational aspirations. The findings suggest that by targeting both micro and macro levels of influence, interventions can be designed to foster higher aspirations among at-risk African American youth.
Learning Objective: 1.3: Summarize five theoretical perspectives on human development.
Summary: This research suggests that drawing on a bioecological systems model can help educators elevate the aspirations of at-risk African-American youth.
Journal Article 1.2: Mamotte, N., & Wassenaar, D. (2017). Voluntariness of consent to HIV clinical research: A conceptual and empirical pilot study. Journal of Health Psychology, 22, 1387–1404.
Abstract: Obtaining voluntary informed consent for research participation is an ethical imperative, yet there appears to be little consensus regarding what constitutes a voluntary consent decision. An instrument to assess influences on participants’ consent decision and perceived voluntariness was developed and piloted in two South African HIV clinical trials. The pilot study found high levels of perceived voluntariness. The feeling of having no choice but to participate was significantly associated with lower perceived voluntariness. Overall the data suggest that it is possible to obtain voluntary and valid consent for research participants in ethically complex HIV clinical trials in a developing country context.
Learning Objective: 1.5: Discuss the responsibility of researchers to protect their participants.
Summary: This article suggests that ensuring that research participation is voluntary may not be completely straightforward--especially when the research examines a stigmatized condition in a developing country. The research deepens students’ understanding of the complex responsibilities researchers face in protecting their participants.