Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 12.1: Jones, R. M., Dick, A. J., Coyl-Shepherd, D. D., & Ogletree, M. (2014). Antecedents of the male adolescent identity crisis: Age, grade, and physical development. Youth and Society, 46, 443–459.
Learning Objective: 12.1: Summarize the processes by which self-concept, self-esteem, and identity change during adolescence.
Abstract: Erikson (1950) contends that the physical changes associated with puberty serve as a catalyst for adolescents to question childhood identifications and to consolidate these with current self-conceptions, personal ideologies, interpersonal values, and future aspirations. Erikson describes the adolescent identity crisis as the developmental period when identity development becomes salient. For males, pubertal changes have implications for sexual identity development and self-perceptions of masculinity, which are aspects of the identity exploration and integration process that occurs during adolescence. This study is an examination of the impact of age, grade, and physical development on male identity development. A purposive sample of 173 Anglo-American male participants in Grades 6 through 12 completed the Petersen Development Scale and The Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status (EOM-EIS) in their homes. Statistical analyses revealed that physical development shared more variability (20% explained) with the identity measure than either age (8.3%) or grade (4.2%). Advanced physical development correlates with lower Foreclosure scores and higher Moratorium and Achievement scores. These findings are consistent with Erikson’s life span theory of psychosocial development.
Journal Article 12.2: Schroeder, R. D., & Mowen, T. J. (2014). Parenting style transitions and delinquency. Youth and Society, 46, 228–254.
Learning Objective: 12.5: Identify common psychological and behavioral problems in adolescence.
Abstract: Parenting style has been extensively analyzed as a contributor to juvenile delinquency in the criminological literature, but no research to date has assessed the prevalence of parenting style changes during adolescence or the influence of such parenting style changes on juvenile delinquency. Drawing from the life course theory, the results show that parenting style transitions are common across the first and third waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, 1997. Furthermore, specific parenting style shifts are associated with changes in juvenile delinquency, most notably the shifts characterized by a decrease in responsiveness or an increase or decrease in demandingness. Last, changes in maternal attachment associated with parenting style changes partially mediate the effect of such transitions on delinquent outcomes.