Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
Multimedia Resources
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Audio Links
Audio 8.1: Boosting Self-Esteem in Children and Teens
Description: This podcast argues that young children aren’t always “naturally” self-confident and optimistic, as one might assume. Suggestions are given to help parents encourage these traits in the children.
Audio 8.2: Emotional Regulation in Children
Description: This podcast reviews emotional regulation among young infants, then offers tips for parents and caregivers hoping to encourage the development of self-regulation and coping skills.
Audio 8.3: Tiger Parenting
Description: This podcast extends the text’s discussion of the influence of culture on parenting styles by examining a study of parenting styles in a sample of 400 Chinese American families in California. Despite its resonance in popular culture, “Tiger Parenting” is not the most common parenting style in this community, and it has some negative emotional consequences for children.
Video Links
Video 8.1: Gender Typing: Its Lasting Effects
Description: This clip highlights research suggesting that gender stereotypes in the media are pervasive and have long-lasting effects--partly because they are targeted at children at the precise developmental moment at which they will have the greatest impact.
Web Resources
Web 8.1: Parenting Style and Success
Description: A clinical psychologist identifies four contemporary parenting styles and relates them to adult success. How do these styles correspond to Baumrind’s classic typology?
Web 8.2: Gender Identity Development
Description: The web article discusses gender identity development and how parents can support their children’s exploration of gender identity.