Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Audio Link
Audio 15.1: Menopause in Killer Whales
Description: This podcast takes a comparative look at menopause by investigating killer whales, one of only two nonhuman species to experience menopause. The scientists interviewed consider evolutionary explanations for menopause.
Video Links
Video 15.1: How to Reverse Aging
Description: Is there a way to reverse aging? Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku discusses enzymes like telomerase and resveratrol, and what the future holds for reversing the aging process.
Video 15.2: Surviving Cancer
Description: This Ted Talk by Debra Jarvis, who survived cancer, talks about the identity of a “cancer survivor” and how we learn and grow from challenging experiences.
Video 15.3: College in Midlife: Worth the Risk?
Description: The segment contrasts the experiences of two women who went to college in their 40s. The college-in-midlife decision may be seen as “high risk, high reward.”
Web Resources
Web 15.1: A Sharper Mind
Description: This New York Times article explores the contributions of education, knowledge, and crystallized intelligence to maintaining mental fitness in midlife and beyond.
Web 15.2: Moral Development in Adolescence
Description: This website reviews moral development in plain language, focusing on the contributions of the growth of cognition and identity.