Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
Multimedia Resources
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Audio Link
Audio 16.1: A Career Change-Up
Description: This 2016 podcast offers several testimonials from midlife adults who have made successful, fulfilling career changes.
Video Links
Video 16.1: Generativity and Fathering
Description: This video is included in a larger package of resources intended for therapists working with men in midlife. The resources apply Erikson’s concept of generativity mainly to issues of fathering.
Web Resources
Web 16.1: Building Self-Esteem as an Adult
Description: This article offers tips for building one’s self-esteem as an adult--written in straightforward, sometimes irreverent language. A video making the case for “radical vanity” is also offered!
Web 16.2: “Your Friend ‘Til The End”
Description: A thoughtful article offering a well-written, narrative perspective on friendship across the middle adulthood years.
Web 16.3: Sandwich Generation on Steroids
Description: While the “sandwich generation” may be an exaggerated crisis from an empirical standpoint, this blog argues that the phenomenon may have more impact in the future.