Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
Web Exercises
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Web Exercise #1: Should Middle Schools and High Schools Have Later Start Times?
LO 11.2 Summarize the physical changes that occur with puberty and the correlates of pubertal timing.
In Chapter 11, students learn that adolescents do not produce melatonin until about two hours later than they used to. This results in the inability to go to sleep at an early hour, which results in less sleep during the night. When children have to wake up to go to school, they are often tired. Additionally, some schools require students to practice athletics before school. The purpose of this assignment is to explore schools that have a later start time. Use the following websites to gather information and answer the related questions.
- After reviewing the websites, would you suggest schools start later? Why or why not?
- Did you attend a school with a later start time? What was your experience? If you did not attend a school with a later start time, do you wish you had?
- Why do you think most schools do not have a later start time?
Web Exercise #2: The Mysterious Workings of the Adolescent Brain
LO 11.4 Identify ways in which thinking changes in adolescence and how these changes are reflected in adolescent decision making and behavior.
Chapter 11 discusses brain development in adolescence and its influence on behavior. Often, adolescents engage in risk taking behavior and have difficulty inhibiting behaviors. In this exercise, students will watch a TED talk by Jane Blakemore about the adolescent brain and its influence on these behaviors.
- What have fMRIs taught researchers about the adolescent brain?
- What tasks do participants do in Jane Blakemore’s research?
- What have been the results of Jane Blakemore’s research?
- Why is this video important? What did you learn?
- What are two questions you would ask Jane Blakemore if you could talk to her?
Web Exercise #3: Kohlberg’s Dilemmas
LO 11.5 Discuss moral development and influences on moral reasoning.
Note: This is a repeat of an assignment from Chapter 9. If you did not use the assignment then, you may use it now.
Chapter 11 continues the discussion of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. In his research, Kohlberg posed vignettes to male participants and asked them to answer questions. The posed dilemmas and questions are provided in the link below. Read the vignettes, answer the questions, and come to class ready to discuss your answers.