Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Audio Links
Audio 18.1: Overprescribed in Nursing Homes
Description: This podcast reports a study finding that many nursing home residents are prescribed antipsychotic drugs even though they do not have schizophrenia, but rather dementia.
Audio 18.2: Older Adults are Sexually Active
Description: This podcast reports the results of a survey of adults aged 57–85. Most older adults are sexually active, most view intimacy as an important part of life, and most are willing to talk about it.
Video Link
Video 18.1: Retirement: The Best Years
Description: Although retirement is often portrayed as a time of decline, many older people say their lives are more fulfilling and joyful than ever.
Web Resources
Web 18.1: Is Religion Bad for Your Health?
Description: This blog takes the opposite perspective from that supported by the research cited in most textbooks and suggests several ways that religion may be detrimental to one’s health. For example, strong religious beliefs may encourage one to forego effective medical treatments.
Web 18.2: Aging Well With a Little Help From One’s Friends
Description: This blog post reports a study finding that strong friendships are even more important to well-being in late adulthood than they are earlier on.