Lifespan Development: Lives in Context
SAGE Journal Articles
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Learning Objective: 11.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur with puberty and the correlates of pubertal timing.
Abstract: Using multivariate techniques, the authors investigate how age, family type, and race/ethnicity affect grandmother-headed families’ economic resources. The authors examine four grandmother-headed family types that are classified on the basis of two features: parents’ presence and the caregiving relationship of the grandmother and grandchild. Using data from the 2000 census (Public Use Microdata Sample 5%) to predict grandmother-headed families’ official and relative poverty statuses, analyses indicate that age, race/ethnicity, and family configuration are major explanations for poverty differences. The effects of race/ethnicity on official and relative poverty are greater among older cohorts than among the youngest cohorts. Additionally, the effects of age on poverty vary by family type: the lower chances of poverty that are associated with older cohorts are not as great among two-generation families as they are among three-generation grandmother-headed families. The authors interpret these findings using a life-course perspective and cumulative disadvantage theory and discuss the implications for grandmother-headed families’ economic security.
Journal Article 11.2: Brenner-Shulman, A., & Waren, W. (2013). Age at menarche and choice of college major: Implications for STEM majors. Bulletin of Science, Technology, and Society, 33, 28–34.
Learning Objective: 11.2: Summarize the physical changes that occur with puberty and the correlates of pubertal timing.
Abstract: Even though boys and girls in childhood perform similarly in math and spatial thinking, after puberty fewer young women pursue majors that emphasize abilities such as science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) in college. If postpubertal feminization contributes to a lower likelihood of choosing STEM majors, then young women who enter puberty early should be the least likely to pursue those majors later in their education. In this study, we investigate the association between age at menarche and the choice of STEM major. We surveyed 150 undergraduate women from a variety of majors in a large, public university and created logistic regression models to estimate their likelihood of choosing a STEM major. We found that early-maturing girls are less likely to enter STEM majors. We posit that the earlier a young woman enters puberty, the earlier and more extensively she is affected by the “leaky pipeline.”
Journal Article 11.3: Wilkins, J., & Bost, L. W. (2013). Dropout prevention in middle and high schools: Research and practice. Intervention in School and Clinic, 51, 267–275.
Learning Objective: 11.6: Describe the challenges that school transitions pose for adolescents and the role of parents in academic achievement.
Abstract: Based on work with state and local education agencies in dropout prevention for students with disabilities, successful research-based interventions are described along with details of how these interventions have been implemented in middle and high schools across the country. The interventions that have helped students with disabilities graduate from school include early warning systems, mentoring programs, student engagement, family engagement, academic remediation and enrichment, career-focused curricula, interpersonal skills instruction, a focus on the transition to high school, and class/school restructuring initiatives.