Introduction to Criminology: Why Do They Do It?
Video and Multimedia
Video Resources
Video 1: Philosophy-Ethics: Utilitarianism, Part 1
Description: In this Wireless Philosophy video, Julia Markovits (Cornell University) gives an introduction to the moral theory of utilitarianism.
Video 2: Tracey Meares (1 of 6): Understanding Deterrence and Legitimacy in Law Enforcement
Description: This interview followed the presentation “Don’t Jump the Shark: Understanding Deterrence and Legitimacy in the Architecture of Law Enforcement” given as part of NIJ’s Research for the Real World Seminar Series.
Video 3: Methods of Execution—Death Row: The Final 24 Hours
Description: The video discusses the methods used to prepare for execution.
Audio Resources
Audio 1: Rising Incarceration Rate Isn’t Reducing Crime, Says Report
Description: A report from the Council of Economic Advisors suggests longer sentences increases rates of recidivism, resulting in little impact on the crime rate.
Audio 2: Author Podcast: The Classical School
Description: The author provides a brief overview of the chapter and provides an example of the hedonistic calculus.
Web Resource
Web 1: An Examination of Deterrence Theory: Where Do We Stand?
Description: This article provides an overview of the deterrence theory.