Learning Objectives

7.1 Define and illustrate with examples: attitude, belief; ambivalent, indifferent, general, and specific attitudes; compare and contrast implicit and explicit attitudes; summarize the various origins of attitudes, including learning, mere exposure, and heritability.

7.2 Describe the two routes to persuasion and explain the roles of motivation, ability, and relevance in persuasion.

7.3 Identify and define key source characteristics (credibility, attractiveness, likability); explain how fear appeals work; explain the roles of self-monitoring and need for cognition in persuasion.

7.4 Describe how we measure attitudes (direct self-reports, indirect methods).

7.5 Identify the key variables in the reasoned action approach, and describe how they fit into the overall model; explain what kinds of attitudes are more likely to impact behavior.

7.6 Explain the role of consistency in persua­sion, including balance theory, dissonance theory, insufficient justification, counter attitudinal advocacy, post-decisional disso­nance, the Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) study, role of the self, hypocrisy induction, and self-affirmation.