Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
1 Delineate the between-subjects design and the between-subjects experimental design.
2 Distinguish between an experimental group and a control group.
3 Distinguish between a natural and a staged experimental manipulation.
4 Explain how random assignment, control by matching, and control by holding constant can make individual differences about the same between groups.
5 Explain why it is important to measure error variance in an experiment.
6 Identify the appropriate sampling method and test statistic for independent samples to compare differences between two group means.
7 Identify the appropriate sampling method and test statistic for independent samples to compare differences among two or more group means.
8 Identify and give an example of three types of measures for a dependent variable.
9 Name two advantages and one disadvantage of the between-subjects design.
10 Compute a two-independent-sample t test and a one-way between-subjects analysis of variance using SPSS.