Leadership: Theory and Practice
Web Exercises
Web Search
Go online to a business magazine home page such as INC (http://www.inc.com) or Fortune (http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune). In the search box, enter one of the key terms from the chapter, such as trust, empowerment, or in-groups. Read two or three of the articles and write a short summary of their content. How are these issues playing out in the workplace today? What does the new information contribute to our understanding of leader-member exchange?
Citizenship Behavior
Go online and take a modified OCB inventory (e.g., http://shell.cas.usf.edu/~pspector/scales/ocbcpage.html). How relevant are the items to your experiences as employees or students? What motivates you to engage in extra-role behaviors? Does member motivation affect how the behavior is perceived by the leader? How are citizenship behaviors in college similar to or different from citizenship behaviors in the workplace?