SAGE Readings

Reference Articles

Bases of Power

Development of Leadership

Role of Leadership

Journal Articles

Article 1: Checkland, K. (2014). Leadership in the NHS: Does the emperor have any clothes? Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 19(4), 253–326.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. How does the author describe leadership from a followership perspective?
  2. Compare and contrast the terms “administration” and “management” used in this article to the terms “leadership” and “management” used in Chapter 1 of the text.
  3. What argument does the author use to support her claim that leadership may not be something that can be learned?  How does this contrast with the process definition of leadership in the text?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 2: Donohue-Porter, P. (2014). The creative élan of nursing theory: Indispensable to leadership. Nursing Science Quarterly 27(4), 330-335.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe how the “creative élan” helps nursing leaders understand effective leadership.
  2. In the nursing leadership aspect “demonstrate vitality of the profession” the author states that nursing students should be aware that nursing is grounded in evidence-based practice, innovation, and patient-centered care among other themes.  How is this similar to information in Chapter 1 that describes the history of leadership and how leadership is practiced?
  3. Developing a community of nurse theorists to help advance leadership knowledge and practice is a focus of the article.  How is this focus similar to the community of leadership theorists and researchers?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 3: Pilkington, F.B. (2011). A legacy of leadership in nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly 24(4), 391-392.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Remarks spoken at the tribute ceremony for Dr. Ferguson-Pare’ include her passion and commitment to vision.  How are passion and vision consistent with effective leadership?
  2. Is risk-taking a leader behavior that is effective?  Why or why not?
  3. Reverence for others is another quality that Dr. Ferguson-Pare’s colleagues recognized upon her retirement.  How does reverence for others part of the leadership equation?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 4: Ferguson-Pare’, M. (2011). Perspectives on leadership: Moving out of the corner of our room. Nursing Science Quarterly 24(4), 393-396.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. The article states that practitioners in health care use client-centered approaches when working with patients and families with illnesses.  How is client-centeredness in patient and family care related to leadership?
  2. Knowledge acquisition and science-based practice is the future of nursing health care for new nurses.  How is gaining knowledge and using science to move nursing and health care forward part of leadership development for nursing students?
  3. This article is written by a revered leader in nursing over forty decades. Based on this article, how do you think she used the Five Bases of Social Power during her career?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 5: Followership: The theoretical foundation of a contemporary construct. (2007). Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 14(1), 50-60.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Why do you think that followership research is a more recent area of study compared to leadership?
  2. In the section of the article titled “Idealized Leader Overshadows Followers” is the leader described in this section doing management functions or leadership functions?
  3. Describe an active follower.  What do they do, how do they interact with leaders and what does the leader do to facilitate active followership?

*a. Answers vary.