Leadership: Theory and Practice
Seventh Edition
Review Questions
- Explain the current status of research in leadership ethics.
- Define ethics, including its connection to Greek philosophers.
- Distinguish between Kohlberg’s six stages of moral development.
- Describe the differences between ethical egoism, utilitarianism, and altruism. Give an example of each.
- Explain virtue-based theories. How do they differ from teleological and deontological theories?
- What is meant by the dark side of leadership?
- Explain the Toxic Triangle. How do the three elements relate to one another?
- Describe Aristotle’s ideas on the virtues of an ethical person.
- Explain how the influence dimension of leadership creates an ethical responsibility. Why is ethics central to leadership?
- Explain the following concepts: respect for persons, holding environment, and civic virtue.
- Explain Heifetz’s perspective on helping followers confront and effect change from conflict.
- Explain Burns’s perspective on ethical leadership.
- Explain Greenleaf’s perspective on ethical leadership and the concept of “servant leadership.”
- Describe the five principles of ethical leadership.
- What are strengths of research on ethics in leadership?
- What are criticisms of research on ethics in leadership?