SAGE Readings

Reference Articles

Future Team Effectiveness

Shared Leadership

Journal Articles

Article 1: Heldal, F. and Antonsen, S. (2014). Team leadership in a high-risk organization: The role of contextual factors. Small Group Research 45(4), 376-399.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What is meant by the dynamic and high-risk environments in which some groups do their work? How does this affect the team dynamic?
  2. What contextual factors influence small groups in this case study?
  3. Choose four of the leadership behaviors in Table 1 of the article and describe how they are similar to internal or external leadership actions in Hill’s model in the text.

*a. Answers vary.


Article 2: Gupta, V. K., Huang, R. and Niranjan, S. (2010). A longitudinal examination of the relationship between team leadership and performance. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 17(4), 335-350.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe the term cohesion as it applies to group functioning.
  2. What was the unique hypothesis for this study?  Why did the authors choose to study team leadership in this way?
  3. Is conflict in teams good or bad?  Defend your answer using the hypothesis and results of this study.

*a. Answers vary.


Article 3: Seed, M.S., Torkelson, D.J. and Karshmer, J.F. (2009). The clinical nurse leader: Helping psychiatric mental health nurses transform their practice. Journal of American Psychiatric Nurses Association 15(2), 120-125.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe the functions of a Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL).
  2. How does the CNL positively affect team productivity and better patient outcomes?
  3. Using Hill’s Model for Team Leadership, describe some internal and external actions that CNL’s are likely to use to achieve team effectiveness and good patient care.

*a. Answers vary.


Article 4: Solansky, S.T. (2008). Leadership style and team processes in self-managed teams. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 14(4), 332-341.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Explain shared leadership and self-managed teams. How are these different from a team with one designated leader?
  2. What is the role that motivation plays in the success or failure of teams?
  3. What are some of the advantages of shared leadership over single leadership as described in this article?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 5: Roussin, C.J. (2008). Increasing trust, psychological safety, and team performance through dyadic leadership discovery. Small Group Research 39(2), 224-248.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe what is meant by “psychological safety” and how its presence or absence in teams affects the overall team process.
  2. Compare and contrast group-level discovery and dyadic discovery. Which of these two forms of interaction do the authors suggest is better for increasing trust and psychological safety in teams?
  3. How is the dyadic discovery process consistent with concepts from the leader-member exchange theory?

*a. Answers vary.