SAGE Readings

Reference Articles

Creative Leadership

Task Leadership

Journal Articles

Article 1: Orphanos, S. & Orr, M. T. (2014). Learning leadership matters: The influence of innovative school leadership preparation on teachers’ experiences and outcomes. Educational Management Administration & Leadership 42(5), 680-700.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What are the common features of exemplary leadership preparation programs?
  2. Using the situational approach perspective, how does the article describe the interaction between principals and teachers?
  3. Job satisfaction is an outcome studied in this research.  What is a parallel theme in the situational approach to job satisfaction?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 2: Bienefeld, N. and Grote, G. (2014). Shared leadership in multi-team systems: How cockpit and cabin crews lead each other to safety. Human Factors: The Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56(2), 270-286. DOI: 10.1177/0018720813488137.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Cockpit crews have varying levels of competence or ability in emergency situations.  What does the article say about shared leadership that could help crews be successful (competent) in emergency situations?
  2. Which teams were more successful? What leader behaviors contributed to their success?
  3. Is this research generalizable to leadership in other contexts (situations)? Why or why not?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 3: Scherb, C.A., Specht, J.K.P., Loes, J.L. and Reed, D. (2011). Decisional involvement: Staff nurse and nurse manager perceptions. Western Journal of Nursing Research 33(2), 161-179.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe an organizational structure that is flat and focused on shared decision-making.
  2. What are the potential benefits to entry level nurses who work in organizations where they are involved in decision-making at multiple levels?
  3. What were the differences in the staff nurses and nurse managers in their actual and preferred levels of decision-making involvement? What can you conclude from these differences?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 4: Glick, N.D. (2002). The relationship between cross cultural experience and training, and leader effectiveness in the US Foreign Service. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 2(3), 339-356.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What is the situation or context in which this article describes a leader’s choice of leadership behavior? How is this context similar to or different from situations described in the text?
  2. What do the results say about the correlation between consideration, initiating structure and satisfaction?
  3. What do you conclude about task (structure) and relationship (consideration) behaviors in culturally diverse contexts based on the hypotheses of this study?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 5: Vecchio, R.P., Bullis, R.C. and Brazil, D.M. (2006). The utility of situational leadership theory-A replication in a military setting. Small Group Research 37(5), 407-424.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe employee readiness levels for all four leader behaviors described in this article.  How is this description different from and similar to how level of readiness is describe in the text.
  2. Describe the participants used in this study. Is this subject group appropriate for testing the hypotheses and purpose of the study?
  3. Should the military keep their emphasis on the situational approach in their officer training manuals and overall philosophy?  Why or why not?

*a. Answers vary.