SAGE Readings

Reference Articles

Cross-Cultural Leadership

Leadership and Cultural Diversity

Leadership and Culture

Journal Articles

Article 1: Vogelgesang, G., Clapp-Smith, R. and Osland, J. (2014). The relationship between positive psychological capital and global mindset in the context of global leadership. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(2), 165-178.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What is PsyCap?
  2. Define global mind-set.  How is global mind-set relevant to global leadership?
  3. What are the implications of this research in hiring and training global leaders?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 2: Wang, L., Turnbull James, K., Denyer, D., and Bailey, C. (2013). Western views and Chinese whispers: Re-thinking global leadership competency in multi-national corporations. Leadership 10(4), 471-495.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. What is the “glass ceiling” described in this article?  How is it different from the “glass ceiling” described in the Gender and Leadership chapter in the text?
  2. What is the function of charisma or charismatic leadership in this article when discussing difficulties getting local mid-level leaders into senior-level leadership positions in multi-national companies?
  3. What is the Chinese perspective on leadership?  How does that differ from Western cultural perspective on leadership?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 3: Bird, A. and Fang, T. (2009). Cross cultural management in the age of globalization. International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 9(2), 139-143.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe the metaphors of culture as “ocean” and “onion.” Who coined these phrases and what perspective led them to describe “ocean” or “onion?”
  2. How is globalization affecting the management and leadership literature?
  3. This is an editorial article that describes a special edition of this particular journal. What do you believe is the reason(s) that this special edition was deemed necessary in 2008 and 2009?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 4: McCrae, R.R, Realo, A. and Allik, J. (2008). Interpreting GLOBE Societal Practices Scales. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 39(6), 805-810.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe the important differences between Hofstede’s original work in 1980 and the GLOBE research. Why is it important to understand the differences in these two seminal studies?
  2. How is the Big Five Personality profile integrated into the nine dimensions of culture in the GLOBE studies?
  3. What do the results say about extraversion and the GLOBE studies?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 5: Lin, C. (2008). Demystifying the chameleonic nature of Chinese leadership. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 14(4), 303-321.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe the influence of Confucianism on Chinese leadership.
  2. How collectivist is Chinese leadership compared with leadership in the US? What values and cultural norms influence these differences in collectivist thinking?
  3. Why is studying the changing Chinese culture important to studying modern-day leadership?

*a. Answers vary.