Discussion Questions

1. Why do you think lecture is so heavily used in classrooms?

2. Will online classes decrease the use of lecture or possibly make it take a different form?

3. What is meant by, “lectures provide the most efficient use of time when trying to deliver a large amount of information?”

4. What are the benefits and challenges of a student-centered instructional strategy approach?

5. Do you feel any one of the five elements of an effective lecture is any more or any less important? If so, which one and why?

6. Why is questioning seen as an “art?”

7. Is any one content area better suited to the constructivist approach?  If so, why?

8. What content area do you see as best being taught in a cooperative learning format?  Why?

9. In education today, do teachers need to have more instructional strategies to pull from or be highly proficient in the ones they use the most?

10. What is meant by “all instruction is built on a foundation of planning?”

11. Why is role play/simulation such a powerful teaching strategy for students of all ages? How does this benefit students who are bodily-kinesthetic learners?

12. Is there any way for lecture to be an effective delivery method for instruction? How can teachers modify the boring “chalk and talk” of the past to reach learners in the digital age?

13. When teachers do not allow enough wait time for a student to respond to a question, and they automatically jump to another student to answer the question, what message does that send the first student?

14. To use cooperatively learning groups effectively, each person in that group must have a job or responsibility. What roles can you give students in group work settings?

15. How can teachers incorporate technology into constructivist teaching strategies?

16. How do hands-on projects or project-based learning opportunities help tactile learners build their knowledge on an unfamiliar subject?

17. Why would a veteran teacher tell you to plan more than you actually expect to teach during those early years of teaching? What are they trying to account for by sharing this advice?

18. How can the use of quality rubrics eliminate bias in grading for analysis of student work samples or portfolios?

19. What type of homework policy do you see yourself developing as a classroom teacher?