Leadership: Theory and Practice
Seventh Edition
Review Questions
- Explain how the Psychodynamic Approach differs from other leadership theories.
- Explain what is meant by the Clinical Paradigm.
- Explain the four basic premises of the Clinical Paradigm.
- What is Freud’s contribution to the Psychodynamic Approach?
- Explain the four streams of research from the Tavistock Institute.
- How did the Menninger Clinic apply the Psychodynamic Approach to the world of work?
- What insights did Zaleznik contribute to our understanding of how the Psychodynamic Approach applies to the workplace?
- How did Larry Hirschhorn use “applied clinical practice” to study organizational behavior?
- What are fantasies, projections, and identifications, and how do they express themselves in organizational life?
- Explain the concept of the inner theater and how it relates to leadership.
- Explain the following terms: dependency, fight-flight, and pairing.
- What are social defense mechanisms and how do they relate to leadership?
- What are mirroring and idealizing, and how do they relate to leadership?
- Under what circumstances do followers identify with the aggressor?
- Describe Freud’s definition of narcissism and how it affects leadership.
- Explain the group coaching method for applying the psychodynamic principles to leadership development.
- What are strengths of the Psychodynamic Approach?
- What are criticisms of the Psychodynamic Approach?