SAGE Readings

Reference Articles

Gender Differences

Glass Ceiling


Journal Articles

Article 1: Wolfram, H. J. and Gratton, L. (2014). Gender role self-concept, categorical gender, and transactional-transformational leadership: Implications for perceived workgroup performance. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(4), 338-353.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. This study is designed to address prior research findings that female leaders are more likely to display transactional-transformational leadership but are less likely than male colleagues to benefit from this in leadership effectiveness.  How is this statement similar to and different from the Gender Differences and Leadership Effectiveness section of the text?
  2. What does this research say about the leadership of androgynous female managers?
  3. What were the gender differentiated results when study subjects used the transformational individualized consideration factor?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 2: Kirton, G. and Healy, G. (2012). ‘Lift as you rise:’ Union women’s leadership talk. Human Relations 65(8), 979-999.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe the terms masculine, feminine, and feminist leadership as used in this article.
  2. What does the article say about women being gender-incongruent leaders?
  3. Describe how gender and race both play a role in women’s leadership in unions.

*a. Answers vary.


Article 3: Hawkins, K.W. (1995). Effects of gender and communication content on leadership emergence in small task-oriented groups. Small Group Research 26(2), 234-249.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. In the literature review section of the article, what flaws in previous literature of emergent leadership does the author point out that suggest the studies did not accurately assess the emergent process?
  2. What was the major finding of this study related to communication and emergence? What is significant about this finding?
  3. What role did gender play in leadership emergence in the groups studied?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 4: Bligh and M.S, Kohles, J.C. (2008). Negotiating gender role expectations: Rhetorical leadership and women in the US Senate. Leadership 4(4), 381-402.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Describe what the authors mean by “rhetorical leadership styles” of female US senators.
  2. What are some common female gender stereotypes that these authors describe in political leadership areas?
  3. What were the results of this study related to the female Senator’s use of aggressive, self-reference and accomplishment language?

*a. Answers vary.


Article 5: Cliff, J.E., Langton, N. and Aldrich, H.E. (2005). Walking the talk? Gendered rhetoric vs. action in small firms. Organization Studies 26(1), 63-90.

Questions that apply to this article:

  1. Why do these authors feel that framing the question “Do men and women differ in their leadership styles?” is not helpful?
  2. Describe the masculine and feminine organizational archetypes presented in the article.
  3. Did the study find typical masculine and feminine archetypes existed in the organizations? Explain the results.

*a. Answers vary.