Negotiation: Moving From Conflict to Agreement
Video and Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Resources
Video Link 5.1: Interests Behind Negotiating Positions
Description: William Ury talks about the importance of beginning negotiation by asking “Why”. What are the interests underlying the positions?
Time Stamp: 3:01
Video Link 5.2: Getting to Yes: Interests vs. Positions
Description: Look for solutions that best address the interests of both sides.
Time Stamp: 4:12
Audio Resources
Audio Link 5.1: How to Negotiate Out of Shutdown Stalemate? ‘Getting to Yes’ Author Has Advice
Description: Rob Flitton wants to change our negative bias toward negotiation and encourage us to embrace self-interest and the idea of principled reciprocity.
Time Stamp: 9:41
Web Resources
Web Link 5.1: Setting Standards in Negotiations
Description: In this article, the author illustrates the concept of standards in concrete terms and prescribes a series of steps for referring to independent standards in future negotiations.