Chapter Outlines

Chapter 4


I.  What is Perception?

A. Definition: Perception Versus Social Perception

B. Perception Process: Elements of the Perception Process  

C. Culture and Perception

1. Definition of Culture

2. Culture and Work Behavior


II. The Three Stages of Perception

A. Attention Stage

1. Elements of the Attention Stage

2. Description of Salient Cues

B. Organization Stage

1. Elements of the Organization Stage

2. Description of Schemas

3. Schemas at Work.

4. Schemas and Culture.

C. Interpretation and Judgment Stage: Elements of the Judgment Stage


III. The Attribution Process.

A. Definition and Information about the Attribution Process

1. Definition

2. Internal Attributions

3. External Attributions

4. Elements of Attribution Process

B. Information We Use to Make Attributions: Types of Information in the Attribution Process

C. Making Attributions about Our Own Behavior.

1. Our Own Behavior

2. Self-perception theory,

3. Overjustification


IV. Perceptual Biases: Information on Perceptual Biases

A. Errors in Perceptions

B.  Perceptual Biases


V. Difficulty in Overcoming Biases

A. Factors That Impact Bias

B. Need for Consistency

C. Channeling

D. Pygmalion Effect / The Self- Fulfilling Prophecy

E. Steps in the Attribution Process


VI. Managing Biases: Steps in Managing Biases

A. First Step

B. Second Step

C. Third Step

D. Fourth Step